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Welcome to Preserve Vision & Hope

Mission Statement

To improve access to patient care, research and education related to retina and macular disease.


Patient Care

Retina and macular disease account for the majority of blindness in our country. Most patients are eminently treatable but require prompt access to cutting edge care and technology. The cost of medical care continues to rise and access to care, for some patients, is on the decline. In the past, hospitals, clinical laboratories and other agencies would provide pro bono testing and care for select patients who were uninsured and could not afford their treatment. For a variety of reasons access to such care is now severely restricted. While there are county systems available, they are backed up and prompt care is not always possible. They too have limited access to care. Our goal is to open access to the best possible care for those patients who cannot afford it. None of the donations go to physicians or practices. All monies are used to pay for diagnostic testing and medical treatments including hospital costs as well as laboratory testing. 



Medicine is advanced through basic science and clinical research. Most clinical research has become privatized and is focused on select drugs or conditions that will make a profit. Our goal is to support the publication of information that may improve patient care but may not generate a profit. 



It is surprising to learn that some providers and patients are not always fully aware of the signs and symptoms as well as the diagnostic testing and treatments available for blinding ocular disease. While floaters, for example, commonly increase with age, they can represent the first step towards a retinal detachment and blindness. Simple ways to monitor vision can reduce the incidence of blindness in our community. We want to educate the community of patients and providers about the signs and symptoms and tests that may facilitate early detection and treatment of otherwise blinding disease. This will improve patient access to testing and treatment for conditions that may lead to blindness.

Contact us to learn about more ways to get involved.

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© 2023 Preserve Vision & Hope, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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